Wednesday 9 May 2012

Staying Clean

Each day in Philadelphia, in the US, if you walk down by City Hall you will see a long line of people standing in the footpath, apparently waiting for something. A cross-section of humanity in age, ethnic origin and appearance. Further enquiries would reveal that these people were on probation or parole and were waiting to take their daily drug test to show that they were staying clean.

One of the challenges as a parent of young children is trying to keep them clean. That goes for some teenagers I know too – who seem to think it’s OK to skip having a shower for a day or two or three.

Staying clean – it’s a basic, hygienic function that most of us engage in every day. Washing, bathing, brushing. A daily cleaning ritual to keep our human bodies clean.
This has spiritual overtones for me too. It’s OK to do things to keep the outside clean – but what am I doing on a daily basis to keep the inside clean?

When our sins are forgiven, we stand before God clean (2 Peter 1:9). And we know that if we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). So to remain pure, to have a heart that is pure, a good daily habit to get into is the seeking from God of forgiveness.

Perhaps add it into your physical washing routine – pray while showering, or while washing your hands, or while brushing your teeth – “Lord, yesterday/today, I failed you by… please forgive me?”

Let him forgive you on a daily basis, as has been promised – and may we each live every day clean in the eyes of God. Clean bodies, clean minds, clean souls.

Colin Lane