Thursday 21 June 2012

Let's Stick Together

My age isn’t always reflected in my taste in music, but today it probably is.

The song going through my head this morning was the old Bryan Ferry classic “Let’s Stick Together”. The song is actually a plea from a married man to his spouse not to leave him. But it also reminded me of the passage in Ephesians 4 where Paul says, “Always keep yourselves united in the Holy Spirit, and bind yourselves together with peace. We are all one body…”

I learnt recently that the fire ant has a body that is denser than water, so it doesn’t float. But when a storm comes, the colony of fire ants join all together and form themselves into a life raft that can float for weeks. Tiny hairs on their bodies trap air bubbles, so thousands of fire ants that would normally struggle and drown in water as individuals, when they join together, they can ride out the flood.

This is the design, too, for the church. That we would be united. That we would stick together. That we would work together as one in the service of Jesus. That there would be peace in the church as we function all together as one body.

When that is in operation, we can ride out any flood.

Let’s stick together, come on, come on, let’s stick together.