Thursday 13 November 2014

A Greater Yes

I love the Greek mythological story of the Sirens of the Sea – sea nymphs/ladies who would lure sailors to their deaths by shipwreck with their enchanting songs and alluring beauty that drew the ships too close to land.

Legend tells that when Odysseus came near the island where the Sirens were sitting, endeavouring to allure him and his companions, he stuffed the ears of his companions with wax, and tied himself to the mast of his vessel, until he was so far off that he could no longer hear their song.

History is littered with stories of ‘femme fatales’ – mysterious and seductive women who could ensnare lovers with their charm, leading them into dangerous or even deadly situations. They used their beauty and seductiveness to lure men who would so quickly fall under their power.

I remember as a young man I too would often be lured by beauty! I was quick to show interest in a beautiful woman without knowing anything of her character or temperament.
And I think this has been a hallmark of human history. One of our flaws is how easily we can be lured in by the beautiful, how hard we find it to say no the attractive, how our lust for things we know may pose potential danger for us often overshadows our common sense.
History is full of stories of men and women being lured into harmful (or sinful) behaviour through lust, or greed, or power. Sex, money, control are all very alluring and attractive. Yet often they lead us down the path of destruction.

Not just in our human relations, but right down to eating cakes and chocolate while trying to diet, or buying expensive new clothes when we’re trying to save. It’s why poker machine rooms have bright lights, why alcohol comes in attractive packaging, why the latest car has to ‘look good’.

It begs the question - how do you say no?

Do we do an Odysseus, and just stuff our ears, or close our eyes, or try to keep as much distance as possible from the things we know will harm us?

Jesus said, “I am the Bread of Life. The person who aligns with me hungers no more and thirsts no more, ever.” All the allurements and temptations lose their power to drag us in if we are living lives that are fully satisfied, and that’s what Jesus implies happens when we align with Him - The Way, The Truth and The Life.

The Apostle Paul said in one of his letters: ‘No test or temptation that comes your way is beyond the course of what others have had to face. All you need to remember is that God will never let you down; he’ll never let you be pushed past your limit; he’ll always be there to help you come through it’.

If we have a greater purpose, a faith in a higher power, a sense of fulfilment, a greater ‘yes’ - it becomes so much easier to say no.

Align with Jesus. Seek his power when faced with a ‘Siren’. Centre on a life of faith, meaning and purpose. It provides the greater yes.