Wednesday 10 October 2012


I guess you’ve seen or heard of the acronym WWJD either on bracelets or stickers or badges. For some it’s just a fashion statement, for others it’s a constant reminder of the message – What Would Jesus Do?

I’m led to believe that it originated from an 1897 novel by Charles Sheldon about a small-town pastor who encourages his congregation to live a year based on that question. In each situation to consider what Jesus would do, and act accordingly. It was picked up in the late 20th century and became a Christian marketing sensation.

Thomas a Kempis was a 15th century monk who hundreds of years earlier wrote a piece with a similar sentiment entitled The Imitation of Christ, exhorting people to do just the same thing – to imitate Jesus in all the situations of life.

Author Ed Dobson recently took things a little further. He determined to live for an entire year exactly how Jesus would have lived. He ate kosher, grew his beard, observed Shabbat and all the Jewish feasts and festivals. In addition, he set a goal to read a Gospel a day (the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John), so that within 12 months he would have read (or listened to, as the reading became tedious) each Gospel story over 90 times. So keen was he to discover not just how Jesus lived, but what he taught and modeled, and to live that out as best he could.

He found it very difficult. The lifestyle to some degree, but to live out the teachings he found even tougher.

I find it difficult too.

To love your enemies, to give to anyone who asks, to turn the other cheek. Much easier said than done.

I’m comforted somewhat by the fact that those who were with Jesus as he was teaching these things, and modeling them, even they found it difficult. And they had a living, breathing example right in front of them. They were with Jesus himself!

So is it just too hard? Should we forget trying to imitate Jesus and live out his teachings?

I have found that it requires me to start afresh each day, with a fresh resolve, to do the best I can to live according to the teachings and example of Jesus. He said we were to take up our cross daily, and to follow him. For me this means not living by my own human instincts and desires, but living by my God instincts. And persisting on a daily basis in spite of my failings.

And when I do this, when I give living like Jesus my best shot, I find my life so much more fulfilling, so much more satisfying, so much more joyous and rewarding.

I believe that Jesus provides the absolute best blueprint for living on Earth. Why not read the Gospels through a few times and see if you agree?

Then may we all do our best, each and every day, to live as imitators of Jesus.

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