Tuesday 6 November 2012

Good News

“Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.” 

So announced the angels to the shepherds in the Christmas story of the birth of Jesus recorded in the Bible, in the Gospel of Luke.

The word Gospel means good news, and it was good news of great joy that the angels were announcing. One of the other Gospel writers, Mark, starts his book, his story of Jesus, with the words, “The beginning of the good news about Jesus Christ, the Son of God.”

Can you remember the last time you received some good news?

Maybe it was good news that was of great joy. The birth of a baby, the all-clear from the doctor after some tests, a reduction in a bill you had applied for, a child who had been away is coming home. Good news, when we are on the receiving end, can lift our spirits in an instant.

But I wonder, how long since you were good news to someone else?

Offered to help someone who was in a difficult situation, shown someone compassion and empathy, made contact with someone who haven’t seen or heard from in a while, gave a gift to someone when it was totally unexpected and maybe even undeserved.

Father Lou Heriot, writing on this theme, says “We often expect others to be Good News for us. Now is a time for us to be Good News for some others. In these days of gloom I think it would be a real Christmas gift to others if we became realistic bearers of Good News. Jesus would like that of all of us.”

The angels announced good news 2000 years ago. And Jesus is still good news for all who choose to follow him.

May we each not only be bearers of good news, may we be good news to someone who really needs it.


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