Thursday 7 February 2013

Tear It Down, Build It Up

I love seeing footage of when a large building is demolished. The explosives are strategically placed, and after a 10-1 countdown, someone presses the button and CRASH, down it all comes in a matter of seconds, and all that is left of a once tall, wide, strong structure is a pile of rubble.

Usually once the rubble is cleared, a new building will begin to be constructed in its place. This can take quite a lot of time, as new foundations are prepared, then the building process gets underway. The construction of the new structure can take months, even years.
Seconds to be destroyed, months and years to rebuild.
It’s the same with personal relationships.
In a matter of seconds, words are spoken or actions undertaken that may tear down and reduce to rubble what was once a strong, deep relationship.
In the Bible, in a letter called Romans, the author urges the readers to “do your part to live in peace with everyone, as much as possible” (Romans 12:18)
Reconciling broken relationships can take much time and effort, and often a scar or a sore point remains. It’s worth remembering how quickly the relationship can be broken in the first place, and acting always in accordance with the great value of that relationship, taking care with our words and actions, doing our part to live in peace.
The Bible also tells us that God wants to be in relationship with us, but that the words and actions of ours that contradict God’s nature have caused the relationship to be broken. But because God is a God of love, he sent His Son Jesus on a mission to reconcile us with Him, through forgiveness of our wrong actions and harmful words.
Accepting that through the death and resurrection of Jesus we have forgiveness, for free, restores us into relationship with God.
And that doesn’t take months or years to be rebuilt, it just takes a matter of seconds. It’s just a prayer away.


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