Thursday 18 April 2013


It began as a simple game of matching numbers printed on oblong pieces of ivory, perhaps as early as the 1200s. Until one day someone put the dominoes next to each other on their ends, tipped one over, and watched the chain reaction as each of the dominoes was knocked on to the next until they all lay flat. The challenge then became to do this successfully with ever-increasing numbers of dominoes, then in various patterns and including obstacles and other bits and pieces that could be incorporated into the process.
And so came the now common term ‘The domino effect’, used literally or figuratively, where a small change causes a similar change nearby, which then causes another similar change, and so on in linear sequence.

We can all sometimes feel in life that we are in the midst of a domino effect.  A trial that seems to trigger a string of other trials. Perhaps it is the loss of job that starts the spiral or the death of loved one, maybe an unwanted divorce, or an accident that can trigger an endless decline in health. Something happens to us, and because of that event it seems to trigger off other events that create chaos, or hurt, or despair; sickness or financial difficulties or trouble with the law. We can make one small mistake or tell one small lie, and the domino effect begins and a mountain is created from what began as a mole-hill.
And as the troubles and trials mount, we find it hard to believe that there is a God who has everything under control.
One of the Bible writers, James, had this perspective: ‘Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. For when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be strong in character and ready for anything.’
It’s never nice enduring the harsher, difficult times in our lives, but we can usually look back and see how enduring that trial has made us stronger or better people, more faith-filled, tougher.
I read recently of a church who have a policy not to hire staff who haven’t had a personal crisis or endured a significant trial. Knowing the demands of church work and ministry, they feel that if people haven’t undergone some major difficulties in life, they’ll be less-equipped – not strong enough, not able to show empathy.
According to the Bible, God is at work, not to shelter us from every difficulty in life, because that would make us weak, but helping us through our trials to build our character.
An old hymn says it well:
He gives more grace when the burdens grow greater
He sends more strength when the labours increase
To added affliction he adds his mercy
To multiplied trials, His multiplied peace
When the dominoes seem to be tumbling in your life, look to God for strength, believing that as God brings you through the other side, you’ll be a stronger person.

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