Sunday 19 May 2013

Reinventing Yourself

The great Gatsby was once not so ‘great’.
This character from F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel started life with little. Born James Gatz, he was the son of unsuccessful farmers. Unable to come to terms with this poor family background, he voluntarily estranged himself from his family.
 All alone, struggling to make ends meet, he decided to reinvent himself, and James Gatz evolved into Jay Gatsby. And life became much different. He had a new, fictional past, and motivated by love, his hunger for money to win the girl of his dreams drove him to extraordinary, and illegal, lengths.
Residing deep in many of us is a desire to have the opportunity to reinvent ourselves. To rewrite our past. To change our identity. To be dramatically lifted out of the present circumstances of our lives to a utopia, or to the attainment of our dreams. Not necessarily because we don’t like ourselves or what we’ve done before, just the dream to escape to a place of bliss. Or accomplishment. Or to try something completely different.
CBS news reported last year that the former gangster rap icon formerly known as Snoop Dogg had reinvented himself, changing his name to Snoop Lion.
He told a news conference that he was ‘born again’ during a visit to Jamaica and was now a reggae artist. He said that in Jamaica, he connected with Bob Marley's spirit and is now ‘Bob Marley reincarnated.’
For some, a desire to reinvent themselves comes due to shame or embarrassment over things they have done. Some who want to portray a different image for political or business gain will come up with a new look, and supposed new outlook.
Embarrassed by their name, many have changed it by deed poll, such as my great-grandfather who shortened his name from Longbottom to Long.
Yes – this desire to change ourselves, to become a new person, is widespread.
The Christian faith offers this ability to reinvent yourself. In the Bible it says, “those who become Christians become new persons. They are not the same anymore, for the old life is gone. A new life has begun!”
It is really like being born again.
But no need to change your name. No need to change your musical preference. No need even to disown your past. It’s just that your past no longer defines you. It’s forgiven. It’s well and truly behind you.
Because followers of Jesus believe that whatever they’ve done wrong in the past, whoever they’ve hurt, whatever mistakes they’ve made – they’ve all been wiped off the slate. God has forgiven all of them and doesn’t hold them against us anymore. It brings freedom from guilt, freedom from shame. It’s a total release.
New life. New meaning. New purpose.
So reinvent yourself today. Follow Jesus. You’ll discover a new you.

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