Wednesday 12 June 2013


Every day the inbox of my email account fills with people wanting to give me a ‘special offer’, ‘great bargains’, ‘never-to-be-repeated opportunities’. All attempts to sell me something, to get me to part with my hard-earned money. Not because I need something, but because they have managed to make me think that by not buying, I’m missing out. At least most of these are genuine.

I still get the occasional scam email from someone on the other side of the world. The free money email, you know the one where you just have to give your bank account details and they will put $7 million in there.

I am saddened when I hear of people losing all their life savings having trusted in someone to invest money on their behalf into what sounded like a wonderful scheme. Something that offered a better-than average return that would increase their wealth like nothing else, only to find their trust has been betrayed, and the money has gone.

We need to be wary of fantastic offers. My dad always said, if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is!

There is one offer however that I have discovered that is fantastic. And it’s true. And it’s free. And it’s guaranteed.

It’s the offer God gives to us, called ‘salvation’. All it takes is a belief, a belief that Jesus was the Son of God who came to earth and lived among us, and that when Jesus died on the cross he opened the way for us to be reconciled to God. That we can now be forgiven for anything we’ve ever done that has hurt someone else or hurt God. It cost God hugely, but costs us nothing.

And the return on this investment? Amazing.

Hope, freedom, peace, joy, a new life here on earth – and eternal life!!

It’s the real deal, the best deal, the 100% genuine special offer. The bargain of all time.

You can’t lose. So get on it!

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