Friday 25 November 2011

A Sacred Place

One of the highlights of a weekend in Dublin was the journey to Glendalough in the Wicklow Mountains, and the Monastery of St Kevin.

Born in 498, he was reputed to at one point have lived a life of solitude for 7 years, perched on a perilous precipice, before establishing a community of prayer in this picturesque valley where two lakes meet. Legend has it he died aged 120!

At its peak, a thriving community developed around the monks and their churches and places of prayer, as lay people came to live amongst them and serve them. Little huts formed in a ring around these various small stone chapels, where the monks would spend the majority of their time.

This is what prayer can do. It draws people. It is powerful.

I felt I was in a sacred place; it was a place where prayers were uttered to God for century after century.

May we in our day create sacred places through our lives of prayer, places that draw people into a prayerful community.

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