Wednesday 16 November 2011

Sharing Joy

This is one of my favourite photos from a wonderful weekend. On Sunday, the officers of the ICO joined with The Salvation Army's Regent Hall corps for the day. In some respects, the highlight was when we marched from Oxford Street, about 200 Salvationists right through the busy city streets of London with police escort, marching to the beat of the drum as the band played, all the way to the Cenotaph at Whitehall for a Remembrance Day service, where only hours earlier the Queen and various politicans had laid wreaths. We sang, prayed and the Word was preached, as hundreds stood behind the barricades taking it all in. Then the march back, again a witness to tens of thousands of Londoners and visitors of the presence of The Salvation Army in London city.

But this photograph was taken in the morning, at Oxford Circus at the Open Air meeting. Again we marched, and people with cameras were catching the moment. The band played, people prayed, a short word was given. However this time, I was actually able to talk to people. And for these two characters, I was a witness to the presence of God.

We shared a few stories and a good laugh. Yes, evangelism can be light-hearted! No conversions. Couldn't even get them to come to the meeting. But we shared joy. We shared God. And you just can't do that while you're marching!!

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