Thursday 23 February 2012

The Christian Pilgrimage

Paul Elie once said: 'A pilgrimage is a journey undertaken in the light of a story. A great event has happened; the pilgrim hears the report and goes in search of the evidence, aspiring to be an eyewitness. The pilgrim seeks not only to confirm the experience of others first hand but to be changed by the experience.'

Two things came to my mind as I read that quote.

It reminded me of the gold rush. Hearing the stories of men who travelled from far overseas in search of gold. They had heard that gold had been discovered around Ballarat and Bendigo, and they set off in search of the evidence, to be changed in the form of wealth. Amazingly many docked in South Australia and travelled by foot to the gold fields, in search of participating in this great, potentially life-changing event.

And it also I think nicely sums up my Christianity. The story - the great story - of God Himself coming to Earth in the form of a man. Then a most miraculous event - the resurrection. Jesus, Son of God, alive and living by His Spirit.

I've heard the report, I want to see for myself. I'm always in search of the evidence. I want to confirm the experience that others have had with this risen Christ, and I want to be changed by that experience too. I want to enjoy all the riches of Christ Jesus.

But the Christian Journey is not a one-off event, like a visit to Mecca. It is a life-long journey, exploring the mysteries and the depth of God, experiencing God in new and different ways, following in the footsteps of Jesus all the way to eternal life.

A pilgrimage. A life-long one, walked often on narrow paths, at times alone, at times through wilderness, at other times beside green pastures and peaceful waters. On mountain tops, and through valleys.

A pilgrimage possible through grace.

A pilgrimage towards love personified.

Come with me...

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