Monday 13 February 2012

There is a time to be born and a time to die.
There is a time to cry and a time to laugh.
There is a time for everything, a season for every activity under heaven.

These words from the Bible remind us of the different seasons of life, and how life is a journey of different experiences.

One of the privileges of being a Christian Minister is the opportunity to conduct funeral services, and to journey with people in their time of grief, a time or season that we all must face at times during our lives.

For some the passing of a relative or loved one is a blessing, as it brings an end to a lengthy period of pain & suffering. Yet on some occasions death is a shock. The person we know and love is gone in an instant.

For each of us there’s a time to die, but we don’t know when. It’s one of those seasons of life that we can’t control.

And usually when someone goes suddenly, there remains so much unsaid. And we look back and our perspectives change. The little things, the annoyances or the grievances, become so unimportant. And we realise yet again the message of Jesus - that in this world, by far the most important thing is not power, or wealth, or status, or possessions – it is love.

In this grand epic story of life, we need to learn to love those that share this scene with us, even those who frustrate or annoy or hurt us. We need to learn to forgive and dispense grace. And we need to let those we love know that we love them, as often as we can.

Today is Valentine’s Day, a day where love is expressed. Restaurants will be full, florists overwhelmed, chocolates devoured. Love is in the air, kisses everywhere.

What a shame we only focus on love one day a year.

‘Cause it’s always a time to love, It’s always the season to love. God, help us to love. And help us to be expressive with that love – not just in a romantic way, but with all those in our lives.

It’s always the season to love.

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