Wednesday 17 July 2013

The Best Beauty Treatment

As someone not really keen on needles, I haven’t ventured down the path of being injected with Botulinum toxin type A, more commonly known as Botox.

Those who had received Botox injections were largely a subject of derision some years ago, but the practice of having this toxin injected into our faces is now not only acceptable, but a desired and regular practice by a growing number of people worldwide. Wikipedia estimates have the global Botox industry growing to $2.9 billion by 2018.

While some of this is for genuine health matters, much of it will be injected to smooth out the wrinkles in foreheads and eyes and lips – wherever we think our face needs a touch-up, in search of a more youthful look. Treatments can last as little as six weeks to as long as eight months, but ultimately, to keep up appearances, botox injections must become a regular feature in that person’s life.

There are some potential side effects, and the substance itself is actually pretty nasty. Produced by bacterium, it is one of the most acutely toxic substances known, with the potential to cause botulism if used incorrectly. But that doesn’t stop people from trying it in their attempt to look better.

In the Bible is the story of the selection of a new king. God directed the prophet Samuel to go to a man named Jessie’s house, where God said he would show Samuel which of Jessie’s sons to anoint as the new king. The first son he saw was Eliab, a strong and handsome young man, and Samuel thought this had to be the one. But God said, “Don’t judge by his appearance or height, for I have rejected him. The Lord doesn’t make decisions the way you do! People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at a person’s thoughts and intentions.”

From God’s perspective, what’s on the inside far outweighs our external appearance.

Wanting to look good is not a bad thing, it’s just not as important as how we look on the inside. We are willing to pay big dollars and make certain sacrifices to look beautiful, but are we prepared to do anything about having a beautiful heart, a beautiful character?

Instead of injecting ourselves with toxins, we should be injecting our lives with love, patience, compassion, unselfish kindness, faithfulness and self-control.

This is the work of the Spirit of the God. When you turn towards God and walk in tune with Jesus, this spiritual work of character refinement and enhancement begins. For some like me it’s a slow process, others get some miraculously instant results.

For all it’s a journey of continuous soul beautification.

And the side effects of this beauty treatment are all good.

And there’s no needles!

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