Tuesday 25 October 2011


A pilgrimage of a different sort - a visit to a famous London cricket ground - Lords. What a highlight to sit in the dressing room, on the very seats that my cricketing heroes sit on every 4 years as they play for the Ashes. To do the walk from the dressing room, down the stairs, into the long room, out through the doors, and finally through the gates on to the pitch - one of the most sacred walks for a cricketer.

On Wednesday I will take another sacred walk as I visit the East End of London, the site of much of William Booth's early work, the site where he 'found his destiny'. And as someone once said, 'When he found his destiny, he found mine as well.'

Through the God-inspired actions of General Booth, many of us have had our destinys determined. The Aussie cricketers take their sacred walk on to Lords maybe a handful of times in their lifetimes, but I get to take my sacred walk for the Lord every day.

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