Monday 31 October 2011

Worship from the Heart

I spent the weekend in Birmingham, the place where my father's parents grew up and lived prior to emigrating to Australia. It was a special journey and a memorable time.

Sunday morning I went along to the Birmingham City Corps, and somewhat enjoyed a traditional Salvation Army service, complete with two songster messages and even a Singing Company item, and a skilled brass band.

Since being at the ICO, my hunger and thirst for God is growing, so I left the meeting not completely satisfied, and made my way to the Birmingham Cathedral, and caught the last half of the Eucharist Service (the sung version). And wouldn't you know, I walked in just in time for the offertory!

Here was another group of Jesus-followers, worshipping in a different style to their Salvo brothers and sisters, and in a different style again to our style of worship at my Salvo corps in Australia.

Yet we all worshipped the one God, in the name of Jesus.

And it was brought home to me again - it's not how we worship, but what is in our hearts as we worship. Jesus is just as pleased to hear prayers read from a booklet as he is spoken from the pulpit or offered from the congregation. Yes - Jesus is just as pleased to hear a robed choir singing in Latin as He is uniformed Salvationists singing and clapping, as He is non-uniformed Salvos blasting out their praise music on guitars and drums - as long as it is done in spirit and in truth. As long as it's coming from the heart.

As we gather for worship every week (to honour God), may we be sincere, may our worship be heartfelt, and may Jesus smile on us for our earnestness and love and gratitude towards Him.

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