Wednesday 26 October 2011

Servant Leadership

Sunday night I went to worship at Holy Trinity Brompton, an Anglican church with a vicar by the name of Nicky Gumbel. He has received fame across the world as the face of Alpha, a program that serves as an introduction to Christ and Christianity, and has been employed in countries all around the world. Many, many people have come to faith as a result of doing Alpha.
We attended service number 3 of 4. Interestingly it was at 5pm, and was aimed at young adults, although there were enthusiastic worshippers in front of us who must have been in their 70s, together with many of my vintage. But average age would have been 25-30. And it was quite similar in format and style and ambience to what we have at Sanctuary Mornington.

Nicky Gumbel himself gave the message, and spoke of servant leadership. Here was a man who travels around the world constantly, yet still wants to be so very much involved with each of his local congregations (HTB now has 3 campuses, with multiple services at each). What also impressed me was reading the church bulletin to see that Nicky himself still leads a mid-week Alpha course. After 21 years!!

His message of servant leadership resonated so much more because here was a man still prepared to be involved at a grass roots level, despite the success of Alpha and the personal acclaim afforded him.

A living example of a servant leader!

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